Cancer is the biggest killer in Gwynedd, attributed to 28% of deaths in Gwynedd in 2018. In some areas, such as Dolgellau, it's hgher, 41%.
Early diagnosis is crucial to ensure a positive outcome.
The Welsh Government have piloted Rapid Diagnostic Centres in two Health Boards in south Wales, and they have proven to be successful, with meant time until diagnosis reduced from 84 days to 6 days.
We call on the Welsh Government to invest in opening a rapid diagnostic centre in Gwynedd to ensure parity of service.
Who's signing
Gwenno Dafydd
Judith Morgan
Carolyn Hockedy
Alan Roberts
Llio davies
Dawn Jones
Rachael Hughes
Debbie Hughes
Alun Ellis
Carys Ellis
Eirlys McGregor
Nest Llewelyn Jones
Anna Barry
Menai Carson
Chas Muskett
Kush Lotter
Samantha McGrath
Anna Morewood
Kelly Hardy
Elizabeth Anne Hills-Jones
Alison Parry
Sarah Williams
Angela Williams
Elen Jones
Yvonne Gosset
Ffion Jones
Wendy Thomas
Melanie Owen
branwen robertson
Trish Girling
1,000 signatures